To all members of the club but also to all lovers of the Czechoslovakian wolfdog, as you already know, on 11-01-2021 we forwarded our project aimed at improving the selection and reproduction of the breed to the Central Technical Commission of ENCI .
Today we were informed that:
The Central Technical Commission examined the proposals received from the CCLC on 18 January 2021 and the following provisions were introduced, for the aspects of competence of the Herd Book:
Obligation to deposit the biological sample and parental verification of the breeders and their puppies at the laboratory accredited by ENCI with charges borne by the breeder for the registration of litters in the Herd Book.
Obligation to deposit the biological sample at a laboratory accredited by ENCI with the responsibility of the owner of the foreign dogs that are transcribed in the Italian book.
A study on the genome is planned in order to identify at what genealogical level there was hybridization with the wolf, according to the methods of collaboration defined by the Board of Directors.
Carry out random checks on the dogs of the breed registered in the Book to identify, on the basis of the results of the study referred to in the previous point, the genealogical level in which there was hybridization with the wolf.
Il presidente
Claudia Paolini